Federal government invests in autism, cerebral palsy and FASD research

Vancouver-based NeuroDevNet will focus on improving the quality of life of Canadian children affected by neurodevelopmental disorders

January 13, 2015 – Vancouver, British Columbia – Industry Canada

Mike Lake, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry, on behalf of his colleague, the Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State (Science and Technology), today announced the renewal of funding for NeuroDevNet. This Vancouver-based national network will receive an additional $19.6 million to support collaborative research aimed at developing a new understanding of, and treatments for, children affected by neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically autism, cerebral palsy and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).

As one in six children is affected by a neurodevelopmental disorder, there is a need to expand diagnostic capabilities and introduce new therapeutic options. NeuroDevNet researchers and partners will investigate the genetic and environmental causes of these disorders and improve our understanding of children’s brain development. This multi-partner research collaboration will provide health care professionals and caregivers with the information they need to support affected children and their families.

Today’s investment is the result of the most recent competition in the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program. In addition to NeuroDevNet being renewed for a second five-year term, the competition resulted in four new networks receiving funding.

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