2-3 people in 100 have a developmental disability, yet many health care providers have had limited training and experience in providing for the often complex and unique health needs of this segment of our population. Many people with developmental disabilities have limitations in their ability to communicate. Change in behaviour may be an indication of underlying stress and distress. Behaviour challenges can be a result of numerous factors, including medical, psychiatric and environmental.
The Canadian Consensus Guidelines summarize the physical, behavioural and mental healthneeds of people with developmental disabilities. The ancillary Toolkit complements the Guidelines, providing practical tools which can be incorporated into the daily practice of health care professionals. Online link to Guidelines:
This interactive, case history-based TUTORIAL, will illustrate a number of biopsychosocial factors which must be understood to develop an effective plan of action.
Participants will gain: 1) an awareness of the range of factors that can present with challenging behaviour patterns in the people they support; and 2) exposure to the Canadian Consensus Guidelines and Tool Kit for the Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities.