Open Evaluation 2016

Open Evaluation 2016, the largest conference in Europe dedicated to the evaluation of policies in the field of research, technology and innovation policy (RTI) will gather academics, evaluators, research managers, authorities and RTI policy makers to debate challenging developments in RTI policy and their effects on evaluation theory and practice. The conference addresses new actor settings, approaches and themes in RTI policy evaluation. Thus, the term OPEN EVALUATION signals openness towards new values, new stakeholders and beneficiaries and new approaches and themes in RTI policies and RTI evaluations.

FASD ONE 3rd Biennial FASD Symposium

The 3rd biennial Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Ontario Network of Expertise (FASD ONE) symposium was held in Toronto on March 24, 2016.  We were honored to have an esteemed line-up of presenters who told us about developing plans, recent changes, new ideas and innovative techniques to prevent FASD and support those who are affected. Link to view videos of presentations.

16th Annual Meeting – Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise (FACE) Research Network

16th Annual Meeting – Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise (FACE) Research Network (click to read more)

September 17, 2015, Delta Ottawa City Centre, Ottawa Ontario

We wish to thank all those who responded to our Call for Speaker Abstracts for this year’s FACE meeting in September! Those submissions are now being considered by the FACE review committee and we hope to announce the names of those selected to present no later than February 20th.


6th International Conference on FASD

Research: Results and Relevance 2015
Integrating Research, Policy, and Promising Practice Around the World

Pre–Conference: March 4, 2015 | Main Conference: March 5-7, 2015
The Westin Bayshore | Vancouver, BC, Canada

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